latest 7 messages by t4nk080

+ [2014-07-02T23:58:29Z] t4nk080 @StephenA1: Thanks.. will try that :-)
+ [2014-07-02T23:56:50Z] t4nk080 @StephenA1 : Will there be a problem if I create a folder and then update all the code inside that ? like I did here ?
+ [2014-07-02T23:56:02Z] t4nk080 No... I installed Jekyll in my laptop and tested locally by executing on the server and then pushed to github
+ [2014-07-02T23:49:32Z] t4nk080 can some one help me with my problem on github pages ?
+ [2014-07-02T23:44:45Z] t4nk080 is the page where I see 404 page
+ [2014-07-02T23:44:31Z] t4nk080 I created a page with Jekyll and uploaded to github account... its been 30 mins and I do not see my webpage yet. Is there any problem... can some one help me ?
+ [2014-07-02T23:43:30Z] t4nk080 Hello guys, need help for my github pages to UP