latest 19 messages by t94xr

+ [2017-01-21T08:43:01Z] t94xr yeah
+ [2017-01-21T08:40:57Z] t94xr that makes the bottle of wine i've drunk seem less bad. lol
+ [2017-01-21T08:37:31Z] t94xr i will - so tell me, is it just me, i do have ADHD but is jekyll suppose to have this bitch of a learning curve?
+ [2017-01-21T08:36:12Z] t94xr oh
+ [2017-01-21T08:35:53Z] t94xr i liked this minimal template instead :P
+ [2017-01-21T08:35:43Z] t94xr i did, i didnt like the look lol
+ [2017-01-21T08:35:18Z] t94xr yeah im slowly trying to get my head around jekyll
+ [2017-01-21T08:34:42Z] t94xr *facepalm*
+ [2017-01-21T08:33:55Z] t94xr so the needs content?
+ [2017-01-21T08:33:14Z] t94xr I've previously used Automad & Kirby and PicoCMS
+ [2017-01-21T08:32:34Z] t94xr i know how ot use markdown, i just needed some content for that file
+ [2017-01-21T08:27:53Z] t94xr fixed
+ [2017-01-21T08:24:24Z] t94xr nup i have jekyll on watch on my server
+ [2017-01-21T08:21:57Z] t94xr does that help?
+ [2017-01-21T08:21:51Z] t94xr
+ [2017-01-21T08:19:53Z] t94xr its not hosted, which file do you want to look at ?
+ [2017-01-21T08:17:46Z] t94xr {{content}} or {{page.content}} refuses to parse anything
+ [2017-01-21T08:17:18Z] t94xr I have issues with
+ [2017-01-21T08:13:03Z] t94xr anyone able to assist me?