latest 20 messages by tErik

+ [2015-03-07T11:16:31Z] tErik even after selecting "ApacheConf" file-type, after saving "sshd_config" it auto changes back to "Text" file type :(
+ [2015-03-07T11:15:08Z] tErik i want commented lines, which starts with "#" symbols, to display with gray/light color. and other lines which does not begin with "#" should be black and value may be blue or other color.
+ [2015-03-07T11:13:23Z] tErik is there a way i can force a gist file "sshd_config" to save as "ApacheConf" file-type, instead of "Text" ? the "Text" file-type is not highlighting active cofiguration lines :(
+ [2015-03-07T08:31:30Z] tErik do i have create another new file ? then i would loose the unique url of that gist file :(
+ [2015-03-07T08:30:23Z] tErik s/by the even/by the way even/
+ [2015-03-07T08:30:07Z] tErik How do i force it to "ApacheConf" file type ?
+ [2015-03-07T08:29:51Z] tErik by the even after saving again the "sshd_config" file with "ApacheConf" file-type, it remains as "Text" file type !!!
+ [2015-03-07T07:28:28Z] tErik that "ApacheConf" works :)
+ [2015-03-07T07:24:54Z] tErik i think, "gpg.conf", "ssh_config", "sshd_config", etc file-type should be set onto "ApacheConf", then comments and active-lines showed up different colors.
+ [2015-03-07T07:21:33Z] tErik comments starts with # and other lines are active command option code lines
+ [2015-03-07T07:20:43Z] tErik i selected "Text", but then, my comment, and actual configured active lines, remains as same colored, cannot be distinguished so easily :(
+ [2015-03-07T07:15:33Z] tErik or what file type is suitable for gpg.conf ?
+ [2015-03-07T07:12:52Z] tErik Hi, what file-type i should choose when saving a sshd_config file in github gist ?
+ [2015-02-21T12:30:50Z] tErik Anyway, answer is not that important, now. This will not work for my specific topics, its about SSL security & DNSSEC & DANE etc security & authentication. So i must have to find other solution for that topic. But other type of non-security related topics can be published/shared on "https://<user>", based on my undersating of github pages & your responses.
+ [2015-02-21T12:26:04Z] tErik i guess, if i were to had my own domain/website, then a file "CNAME" or something that can be setup/uploaded in your github-pages site. then that will forward visitors from one to another domain, but i dont undersatnd from what domain to what, what does that "CNAME"-file actually does ?
+ [2015-02-21T12:22:51Z] tErik :-(
+ [2015-02-21T12:22:46Z] tErik if uses "*" CN (common name) based SSL-cert, for <user> in "<user>" sub-domain, then that "CN:*" is indeed wrong for the exact "CN:<user>". thats sad, but i undersatnd its not possible to create separate ssl-cert for each subdomain. its HTTPS encrypted, but with "*" certificate, so the benefit of really trusting a HTTPS-based sub-domain, is gone :(
+ [2015-02-21T12:13:52Z] tErik s/erik/<user>/
+ [2015-02-21T12:13:29Z] tErik to use a sub-domain "erik" under "", why do i need a "CNAME" ?! i want visitors to arrive at https://<user> over HTTPS. i dont want visitors to goto some other websites.
+ [2015-02-21T12:10:01Z] tErik isn't cname means "canonical name" or "alternative name" ?