latest 7 messages by tasmani_evil

+ [2016-03-19T11:48:45Z] tasmani_evil it does not work. Github says: "Where should we fork this repository? A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project."
+ [2016-03-19T11:48:14Z] tasmani_evil ?
+ [2016-03-19T11:48:08Z] tasmani_evil ?
+ [2016-03-19T11:45:49Z] tasmani_evil I mean, automatically forking a repo when a github-loggin user click on the link in my site?
+ [2016-03-19T11:45:04Z] tasmani_evil How can I give a direct fork-link to my repo?