latest 20 messages by tbjers

+ [2013-08-22T18:58:56Z] tbjers or not, repo doesn't have issues enabled
+ [2013-08-22T18:57:27Z] tbjers I'll create an issue for it
+ [2013-08-22T18:57:19Z] tbjers yeah
+ [2013-08-22T18:53:29Z] tbjers probably not even tested with less
+ [2013-08-22T18:53:18Z] tbjers I don't know why he didn't require it straight in his package
+ [2013-08-22T18:53:08Z] tbjers at least not anywhere here:
+ [2013-08-22T18:52:50Z] tbjers nope
+ [2013-08-22T18:47:59Z] tbjers everything works
+ [2013-08-22T18:47:57Z] tbjers require "sprockets-less"
+ [2013-08-22T18:47:57Z] tbjers require "jekyll-assets"
+ [2013-08-22T18:47:55Z] tbjers well, if you just stick this in your ext.rb file in plugins:
+ [2013-08-22T18:47:37Z] tbjers yeah
+ [2013-08-22T18:42:11Z] tbjers Apparently LESS imports blow up on vanilla Sprockets.
+ [2013-08-22T18:41:59Z] tbjers Aha, one quick Google and here's my answer:
+ [2013-08-22T18:39:19Z] tbjers jaybe: I even tried to specify an absolute path on my computer, and it still wouldn't import
+ [2013-08-22T18:38:50Z] tbjers jaybe: it does, but for some reason I get exceptions from the less compiler saying it can't find @import files
+ [2013-08-22T18:35:53Z] tbjers Has anyone in here got any experience with using jekyll-assets (based on Sprockets) with less?
+ [2013-07-30T03:03:21Z] tbjers jgornick: no problem, glad to be of assistance!
+ [2013-07-30T03:03:06Z] tbjers jgornick: that's an Octopress site, so not sure if you have the deploy stuff, just check the Octopress Rakefile for an idea of what's going on...
+ [2013-07-30T03:01:42Z] tbjers you would need to create a secure environment variable with the travis command line for the Github API key (GH_TOKEN)