latest 20 messages by technicalpickles

+ [2016-02-27T17:43:11Z] technicalpickles estan: I haven't adopted one yet, but there are tools out there to look at GitHub issues and PRs since a previous release, to add to a changelog
+ [2016-02-27T17:41:21Z] technicalpickles One thing I've found useful is to automate some of the steps to make sure they always happen. A shell script, make, rake, whatever makes sense for the project
+ [2016-02-27T16:11:53Z] technicalpickles estan: when I do hubot releases, I do the changes as a PR to increase version numbers, and add to the changelog. I mention the person's username in the changelog and also cc them on the PR so they know and also get credit
+ [2016-02-27T16:10:12Z] technicalpickles DolphinDream: for multiple people making pull requests, I would have the second requester merge master after the first person's has been merged
+ [2016-02-27T04:18:14Z] technicalpickles codynguyen1116: yes, that could be implemented with webhooks: . the bot would have to have a HTTP endpoint to receive messages, and it could post those to IRC from there
+ [2016-02-26T02:06:06Z] technicalpickles I think I'd just do a pull request against against the main repo, and give some credit to the fork
+ [2016-02-26T02:05:34Z] technicalpickles It seems reasonable for those email changes to go into the main project in general
+ [2016-02-26T02:05:15Z] technicalpickles inflames: does your fork contain commits from his? Or did you copy code from it?
+ [2016-02-26T00:12:45Z] technicalpickles I think I would choose a new name, and give credit in the README
+ [2016-02-26T00:11:14Z] technicalpickles that is a nice consideration to do a pull request to the fork, but at the same time, I'm not sure how I would personally feel about getting a PR to entirely rewrite something if I was on the receiving end :)
+ [2016-02-26T00:10:39Z] technicalpickles inflames: that is a tough one. I take it the main project isn't maintained anymore?
+ [2015-10-20T22:58:58Z] technicalpickles _6a68: that doesn't sound right. mind posting that info over at ? I have some ideas, but that would definitely help
+ [2015-10-20T21:56:42Z] technicalpickles you can do path:/docs, which I didn't know about
+ [2015-10-20T21:55:30Z] technicalpickles xrogaan: it doesn't seem so. suggests only default branch is considered
+ [2015-10-19T18:44:38Z] technicalpickles you probably want pull instead if you want to apply those changes to your working checkout
+ [2015-10-19T18:43:28Z] technicalpickles texasmynsted: thing to understand about fetch is that it is just getting the commits, it doesn't change anything about your local checkout and branch
+ [2015-10-19T18:38:37Z] technicalpickles texasmynsted: how are you fetching the latest commits?