latest 20 messages by tempuser

+ [2017-01-09T23:45:39Z] tempuser Ok I think I figured it out. It's likely some kind of caching issue.
+ [2017-01-09T23:30:24Z] tempuser There's a Python debug statement (ipdb.set_trace()) in that function and execution flow never hits it.
+ [2017-01-09T23:29:46Z] tempuser That callback isn't being called, I'm discovering.
+ [2017-01-09T23:29:27Z] tempuser
+ [2017-01-09T22:54:09Z] tempuser The URL looks like that when I get to the 404 page.
+ [2017-01-09T22:53:58Z] tempuser
+ [2017-01-09T22:53:43Z] tempuser I then log in, and am redirected back to that same page
+ [2017-01-09T22:53:23Z] tempuser Ok yes, after logging out of github, and then starting my app, it correctly takes me to the github page so I can log in.
+ [2017-01-09T22:52:40Z] tempuser You can do "python abc 123" to start up a fake server thingy, and you can go to localhost:8080 in a web browser, and click "Github login"
+ [2017-01-09T22:51:36Z] tempuser The feature/auth branch.
+ [2017-01-09T22:51:28Z] tempuser
+ [2017-01-09T22:49:26Z] tempuser But I haven't changed anything like that recently probably.
+ [2017-01-09T22:49:18Z] tempuser Maybe something wrong with my application logic. hmm
+ [2017-01-09T22:49:04Z] tempuser Yeah it worked for me as well, after logging out of Github.
+ [2017-01-09T22:40:15Z] tempuser It used to work before.
+ [2017-01-09T22:21:33Z] tempuser I'll use the github contact form.
+ [2017-01-09T22:21:18Z] tempuser I'm trying to follow this guide: .
+ [2017-01-09T22:21:01Z] tempuser
+ [2017-01-09T22:20:58Z] tempuser Is this down?