latest 15 messages by terratoma

+ [2015-07-07T00:01:50Z] terratoma which hook gets triggered when you push from your local to remote repo ?
+ [2015-07-06T22:00:33Z] terratoma can i use a client side hook with a hosted repo ?
+ [2015-06-06T00:11:11Z] terratoma how would i validate a commit hash exists with
+ [2015-04-29T15:39:59Z] terratoma jssjr: neat , didnt know that. i wonder if that works with Github Enterprise? also im trying to grab the email of a user in GHE ( not )
+ [2015-04-29T15:23:00Z] terratoma VxJasonxV: what do you mean '/username.keys/ ' ?
+ [2015-04-29T01:05:37Z] terratoma now i have to email everyone on the system
+ [2015-04-29T01:05:22Z] terratoma i have this thing at work, where we use GHE as the source of truth for SSH public keys
+ [2015-04-29T00:49:51Z] terratoma i would have to auth as a certain user though, correct ?
+ [2015-04-28T21:15:04Z] terratoma but i can see their email address with an administrative user in the web ui
+ [2015-04-28T21:14:50Z] terratoma 'profile: email'
+ [2015-04-28T21:14:31Z] terratoma anyone know how i can grab the email address of a user from GHE? i get info for a user through the api, i only see an email address if a user has filled out their profile and added an email address
+ [2015-03-16T18:04:46Z] terratoma when i query the ghe api for a list of users, the list of users is truncated at a certain user id, how can i get the entire list ?
+ [2015-03-13T20:54:16Z] terratoma can i update someone else's ssh public key through the api? in github enterprise