latest 20 messages by texasmynsted

+ [2016-06-09T19:15:58Z] texasmynsted iirc it is possible on a pull request
+ [2016-06-09T19:15:47Z] texasmynsted Is there a way to review a commit in github and provide comments on specific lines of a commit?
+ [2016-04-05T16:04:45Z] texasmynsted how do I archive the wiki?
+ [2015-10-19T18:58:38Z] texasmynsted from git diff refs/heads/master .. refs/remotes/upstream/master
+ [2015-10-19T18:58:22Z] texasmynsted fatal: refs/remotes/upstream/master: no such path in the working tree.
+ [2015-10-19T18:50:28Z] texasmynsted git diff refs/heads/master .. refs/remotes/upstream/master
+ [2015-10-19T18:49:31Z] texasmynsted it was not in my local branch
+ [2015-10-19T18:46:22Z] texasmynsted pull is fine but it automatically merges the chanegs
+ [2015-10-19T18:46:00Z] texasmynsted but that does not appear to work
+ [2015-10-19T18:45:55Z] texasmynsted seems like I should be able to do something like git diff master .. remotes/upstream/master
+ [2015-10-19T18:45:27Z] texasmynsted git diff remotes/upstream/master