latest 20 messages by texasmynsted1

+ [2013-08-03T21:56:45Z] texasmynsted1 what is the minimum that must be in the git repository for octopress to work in heroku, the public directory?
+ [2013-08-03T20:35:29Z] texasmynsted1 hmmm. I think there is a git solution
+ [2013-08-03T20:06:38Z] texasmynsted1 Is there anybody with a solution that does something like gitignore the public directory and use a rake task to copy the public directory to a new git repository to be pushed to heroku?
+ [2013-08-03T20:05:21Z] texasmynsted1 I am looking for a solution to the public directory getting updated constantly and all those changes being tracked by git even when I a not ready to deploy to heroku
+ [2013-08-03T18:44:44Z] texasmynsted1 where can I find more information about the layout? I want to remove the blog directory as shown here —> but there is not an articles directory so the change does not seem compatible
+ [2013-07-22T22:26:29Z] texasmynsted1 no, I just changed the names from prev and next to series_prev and series_next and all worked fine. I am just going to guess that the symbols 'prev' and 'next' are already used some place.
+ [2013-07-22T22:23:13Z] texasmynsted1 heh, it just did not like the name, maybe there was a collision
+ [2013-07-22T22:21:18Z] texasmynsted1 hmmm. if I try the same thing with a variable called 'foo' it works fine
+ [2013-07-22T22:18:34Z] texasmynsted1 in the front-matter it is like 'next: foo' and in the head.html it is like {{ }} or {{ next }} but both are always empty
+ [2013-07-22T22:17:32Z] texasmynsted1 I added a link for a variable in my source/_includes/head.html, but when I put a value for next in my front-matter it is never seen in the head.
+ [2013-07-22T21:55:10Z] texasmynsted1 yeah, I can simply add prev and next variables and just add rel=prev rel=next links when the variables have values....
+ [2013-07-22T21:44:01Z] texasmynsted1 so hmm. maybe just creating an add-to-head variable then just add that to the head. If empty add nothing?
+ [2013-07-22T21:41:55Z] texasmynsted1 or is there a way to add content verbatim to the head?
+ [2013-07-22T21:41:11Z] texasmynsted1 How does one add a link attribute the head for series posts?