latest 11 messages by texvery

+ [2015-08-10T01:28:23Z] texvery got u : D
+ [2015-08-10T01:27:21Z] texvery I see.
+ [2015-08-10T01:27:19Z] texvery I've seen google code and github code, I never used them though lol. almost...
+ [2015-08-10T01:25:58Z] texvery radius how would I advertise my software? does Github do that for me? I mean like if xyz coders worked on a financial/statistical project they can see my closely related project listed somewhere so they can click it?
+ [2015-08-10T01:23:53Z] texvery i see. so I have to like make a website with SEO and all that stuff?
+ [2015-08-10T01:23:26Z] texvery i see. so I add my code and say I'm having troubles with xyz and they will just add the snippet somehow, but how do they find me even?
+ [2015-08-10T01:22:52Z] texvery im pretty new towards this lol. but coders just go around searching for your project code?
+ [2015-08-10T01:21:52Z] texvery how ? hmm, you write some project description and it's globally visible, and they can just join it?
+ [2015-08-10T01:20:46Z] texvery how do you get more people working on your code in github? they just search for you and join your project?