latest 8 messages by theRealGent
Does Github assign different #s to PRs and issues? So when I put #123 into a commit message somewhere, it will either reference an issue or PR and I won't have to clarify it?
I'm part of orgs that keep repos private to only members. And it seems as though Travis would now have access to it?
Anyone use travis-ci? Does it not scare you sh#tless that it can read all of your repos, including organizations that you're part of?
miklb, thanks for clarifying this for me!
That's an interesting distinction to think about it. Do the derivatives/output artifacts from software taken on the licenses of the software that generated them..
miklb, but is the generated HTML "code"?
I'm just looking for a simple theme that won't require me to put any license notices or whatnot on my page.
Hello. What does it mean for a jekyll theme to be MIT licensed? does that mean the websites that I create using that project have to have a license somewhere on the website?