latest 14 messages by therebelrobot

+ [2015-09-15T23:45:43Z] therebelrobot :( sorry. You might be able to find more specific help for that over at #docker
+ [2015-09-15T23:44:18Z] therebelrobot
+ [2015-09-15T23:43:28Z] therebelrobot jeffreylevesque: tbh, I'm not as familiar with docker building, but the link to the build log you provided showed that this command `docker build -t ubuntu/trusty` errored out when ran
+ [2015-09-15T23:41:43Z] therebelrobot FrozenFire: fair enough. I have too many things in my "maybe" pile
+ [2015-09-15T23:41:05Z] therebelrobot jeffreylevesque: it looks like your docker command is erroring out. if any command in a travis build fails, the build fails.
+ [2015-09-15T23:39:46Z] therebelrobot FrozenFire: Let me know what you come up with, depending on the language I'd be interested in helping out.
+ [2015-09-15T23:05:58Z] therebelrobot though that would be a lot of work for something so small
+ [2015-09-15T23:05:39Z] therebelrobot right... maybe setting up an API to accept the hook and talk to the Github API?
+ [2015-09-15T23:04:25Z] therebelrobot gotcha. Definitely would be cool if we could set up server-side hooks for repos. If you have control of the git server (not Github, of course), you could set up a post-receive hook
+ [2015-09-15T23:03:17Z] therebelrobot we did something similar on an old project. ended up working pretty well.
+ [2015-09-15T23:02:48Z] therebelrobot ooo, yeah. What language is it in? You could set a post-install script for npm to copy in that script into hooks if it's node
+ [2015-09-15T23:02:01Z] therebelrobot reference:
+ [2015-09-15T23:01:04Z] therebelrobot then POST to Github's Issues API
+ [2015-09-15T23:00:30Z] therebelrobot FrozenFire: you could definitely set up a git pre-push script in your repos `.git/hooks` folder