latest 9 messages by threexk

+ [2015-01-30T23:44:48Z] threexk says profile has been hidden, contact support for reinstatement. So I will do that. Not sure why it didn't show this message before
+ [2015-01-30T23:44:18Z] threexk whoops, bad paste
+ [2015-01-30T23:44:05Z] threexk Dougie187: it looks like Github thinks I am a spammer: One of our mostly harmless robots seems to think you are not a human.
+ [2015-01-30T23:42:14Z] threexk Dougie187: it shows up fine for me, but only if logged in. any idea why?
+ [2015-01-30T23:41:31Z] threexk It seems to be invisible
+ [2015-01-30T23:41:20Z] threexk Can anyone see my pull request here:
+ [2015-01-30T23:30:17Z] threexk Do you have to make pull requests public somehow?
+ [2015-01-30T23:30:04Z] threexk hello. I have some pull requests on someone else's repo that do not show up until I log in. Why?