latest 20 messages by timeless

+ [2017-01-12T08:04:19Z] timeless ooh, now i have a falling octopus
+ [2017-01-12T08:00:34Z] timeless i'm getting a unicorn :(
+ [2015-01-05T19:40:11Z] timeless hence the question of whether it does :)
+ [2015-01-05T19:39:33Z] timeless so, in theory github /could/ make comments trigger refs :)
+ [2015-01-05T19:39:13Z] timeless fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/github/*
+ [2015-01-05T19:39:01Z] timeless e.g. i'm pretty sure that a PR itself is a ref
+ [2015-01-05T19:38:55Z] timeless note that github is free to define its own definition of what constitutes a ref
+ [2015-01-05T19:37:57Z] timeless assume that at some point i might decide to delete the branch :)
+ [2015-01-05T19:37:47Z] timeless if a PR comment (and not a commit comment) is to a sha, does that prevent the sha from being gc'd?
+ [2015-01-05T19:37:29Z] timeless one other thing... presumably a url/branch doesn't prevent a sha from being gc'd
+ [2015-01-05T19:35:47Z] timeless also, i can't see any indication that it would give me old comments
+ [2015-01-05T19:34:46Z] timeless Seveas: that's basically "write your own webapp?"?
+ [2015-01-05T19:30:52Z] timeless yeah, i deleted it, it was just a link to a PR and 4 branches that represent past incarnations of the PR
+ [2015-01-05T19:30:24Z] timeless Seveas: i want to be able to easily see/show comments on commits that /were/ part of a pull request
+ [2015-01-05T19:27:27Z] timeless sorry, i don't think i specified that anywhere :)
+ [2015-01-05T19:26:58Z] timeless Dougie187: doesn't seem to...