latest 12 messages by timini

+ [2015-10-06T15:57:27Z] timini thanks
+ [2015-10-06T15:57:26Z] timini cool thats good enough for me
+ [2015-10-06T15:53:12Z] timini is it possible to pull just this one commit?
+ [2015-10-06T15:52:59Z] timini but I can still view their commit on github
+ [2015-10-06T15:52:40Z] timini I force pushed to github and lost a collegues' commit
+ [2015-10-06T15:52:15Z] timini Hey can you help me I just did something bad..
+ [2014-09-04T11:11:37Z] timini
+ [2014-09-04T11:08:41Z] timini I'm trying to get octopress running with gh-pages, I think I may have pushed the wrong branch to github. Can anyone help?
+ [2014-09-04T09:18:07Z] timini Hi can anyone help me figure out this problem with jekyll coffeescript?
+ [2014-09-03T15:01:47Z] timini Can anyone help me with this I keep getting an error complaining about jekyll-coffeescript but I have installed it
+ [2014-09-03T14:38:57Z] timini It's strange because I have installed jekyll-coffeescript and all dependencies already
+ [2014-09-03T14:32:11Z] timini Hi I'm trying to run 'rake generate' but i keep getting this error: can anyone help me out here?