latest 20 messages by ting_

+ [2015-07-08T00:04:11Z] ting_ anyidea?
+ [2015-07-08T00:03:59Z] ting_ I checked already the .gitignore and I dont have any dlls rule there
+ [2015-07-08T00:03:39Z] ting_ could anyone help me? I dont know why I can not add to commit dlls files to my project
+ [2015-07-08T00:03:01Z] ting_ hello
+ [2015-07-01T19:48:50Z] ting_ i read this command could do what i am looking for "git checkout -- MY_SUBDIRECTORY"
+ [2015-07-01T19:47:52Z] ting_ any idea?
+ [2015-07-01T19:47:47Z] ting_ could anyone help me? I would like to revert all the change (no commited) withing a subfolder to restore the upstream status
+ [2015-07-01T19:46:54Z] ting_ hello
+ [2015-06-24T21:33:12Z] ting_ yes, I was reading about it. Seveas, thank you very much!
+ [2015-06-24T21:28:59Z] ting_ Seveas, I got a lot of dangling blobs, what is the meaning of that?
+ [2015-06-24T21:25:19Z] ting_ what will it do?
+ [2015-06-24T21:23:59Z] ting_ Thank you Seveas
+ [2015-06-24T21:23:55Z] ting_ but it seems that i didnt lost any file
+ [2015-06-24T21:23:36Z] ting_ yes i did git reset
+ [2015-06-24T21:13:18Z] ting_ how can i solve it?
+ [2015-06-24T21:13:08Z] ting_ error: bad signature. fatal: index file corrupt
+ [2015-06-24T21:12:20Z] ting_ after I restarted I checked the status of my local copy and I got the following error
+ [2015-06-24T21:11:39Z] ting_ I was trying to commit some changes locally but in the middle of the process my computer crashed and restarted
+ [2015-06-24T21:11:14Z] ting_ I have a problem with my git
+ [2015-06-24T21:11:05Z] ting_ Hello everybody