latest 14 messages by tlkrr

+ [2016-08-05T14:49:29Z] tlkrr thanks Zarthus
+ [2016-08-05T14:49:26Z] tlkrr I will ask our client to add their SSH key onto their github account
+ [2016-08-05T14:49:14Z] tlkrr Yup it appears that the rate limit was hit
+ [2016-08-05T14:46:33Z] tlkrr Using composer
+ [2016-08-05T14:46:24Z] tlkrr Is it possible that the git clone hit the rate limit and to try and prevent it from failing it attempts to use the ssh method to increase the limit?
+ [2016-08-05T14:40:19Z] tlkrr very confused.
+ [2016-08-05T14:40:17Z] tlkrr Thanks Zarthus, the cicd system re-ran the same build and it worked
+ [2016-08-05T14:31:30Z] tlkrr Let me check something, I am horribly hungover so this probably does not help.
+ [2016-08-05T14:30:39Z] tlkrr tom@ubuntu1604:/tmp/asd$ ssh Permission denied (publickey).
+ [2016-08-05T14:30:11Z] tlkrr git clone
+ [2016-08-05T14:29:20Z] tlkrr the repo is definitely public
+ [2016-08-05T14:29:13Z] tlkrr on a fresh VM it fails with the same command
+ [2016-08-05T14:29:07Z] tlkrr The clone over ssh works fine on my local machine, but my public key is on github
+ [2016-08-05T14:24:01Z] tlkrr Is anyone else experiencing "Permission denied (publickey)" when pulling over ssh from a public repository?