latest 7 messages by tmcmahon

+ [2015-10-18T01:28:32Z] tmcmahon git is cool, but hard (at least for some) to wrap your head around.
+ [2015-10-18T01:27:40Z] tmcmahon If you can pull from the original repo, the deleted code will be in the history. I just don't know how to bring it back to the current code.
+ [2015-10-18T01:24:02Z] tmcmahon If the original had some code deleted and phubarr wants to keep it, is there a way to revert that?
+ [2015-10-18T01:22:01Z] tmcmahon I was thinking he could make sure he has the upstream repo and pull from it, but it's nothing I've done yet.
+ [2015-10-18T01:19:08Z] tmcmahon phubarr: I'm new to this, but I don't think you can re-fork it. Take a look at the gist that mmikeww just posted. It might be helpful in your case.
+ [2015-10-18T01:09:41Z] tmcmahon But give it a try anyway. Someone else might be see it.
+ [2015-10-18T01:09:08Z] tmcmahon I am, but I'm sure I won't be any help if that's what you're here for.