latest 14 messages by tobylane

+ [2015-07-13T13:35:34Z] tobylane Forced pushed newly amended commits since
+ [2015-07-13T13:34:38Z] tobylane I have a PR which was accidentally closed through bringing the fork up to date, now the fork is different it doesn't reopen
+ [2015-06-30T09:42:12Z] tobylane I was thinking it was github's side
+ [2015-06-30T09:40:35Z] tobylane Travis has gone from taking 1 second to 45 seconds to git clone, is there a problem?
+ [2015-06-29T08:49:53Z] tobylane Squashing isn't an option I think
+ [2015-06-29T08:48:31Z] tobylane I made a fork and tested out the changes I wanted to make, now I want to present a clean fork for a pull request. I deleted and remade the fork but it kept my history. How do I clear that?
+ [2015-02-11T21:53:09Z] tobylane Ok, thanks
+ [2015-02-11T21:48:22Z] tobylane A post with all the links it refers to in all those factiods
+ [2015-02-11T21:45:35Z] tobylane Is there a list of all the links it refers to
+ [2015-02-11T21:44:16Z] tobylane jaybe is there a full list of these whatis?
+ [2014-12-17T11:19:47Z] tobylane I'm looking for workflows that are more than just forks, that page has some of that, thanks
+ [2014-12-17T10:52:33Z] tobylane I came here to ask questions about what has been done with Jekyll, but I'm not sure who to look or or when to ask
+ [2014-12-17T10:27:42Z] tobylane I've idled for a few days and only saw one talker before you
+ [2014-12-17T10:27:26Z] tobylane Not much gets said here