latest 20 messages by tombell

+ [2014-11-27T11:54:04Z] tombell does anyone know if it's possible to use a plugin in development, but not in production
+ [2014-10-08T11:07:36Z] tombell I'm trying to filter posts based on an empty property but `{% assign recent = site.posts where: "hidden", "" %}` just returns everything still
+ [2014-10-02T14:34:51Z] tombell my goal is to find a plugin that offers better permalink support, for the above reason I just said
+ [2014-10-02T14:34:08Z] tombell I just explained it
+ [2014-10-02T14:32:41Z] tombell either way, it doesn't work, so I came looking for something better
+ [2014-10-02T14:31:44Z] tombell I cannot declare say a "slug" item in my front matter in a post, and use that in the permalink property in _config.yml
+ [2014-10-02T14:31:19Z] tombell I think you're misunderstanding
+ [2014-10-02T14:29:31Z] tombell rather than everything being based on the file name
+ [2014-10-02T14:29:24Z] tombell being able to include "page" data in the URL
+ [2014-10-02T14:20:12Z] tombell anyone know if there are any other plugins that offer better permalink support?
+ [2014-01-09T14:02:51Z] tombell just hyde
+ [2014-01-09T13:59:14Z] tombell and `jekyll build`
+ [2014-01-09T13:59:08Z] tombell you should be able to clone the hyde repo
+ [2014-01-09T13:58:09Z] tombell doesn't the readme explain how to install?
+ [2014-01-09T13:54:09Z] tombell it's just a theme for jekyll I beliebe
+ [2014-01-09T13:53:22Z] tombell
+ [2014-01-09T13:51:07Z] tombell I've not used jekyll bootstrap so I don't think I can answer your question sorry