latest 20 messages by totesmuhgoats

+ [2015-01-11T23:44:07Z] totesmuhgoats thanks for everything, i have all the questions
+ [2015-01-11T23:43:21Z] totesmuhgoats J1G|Anon126: since it is "tracking" upstream/poop in this case, if I were to git push, would it push to upstream/poop? or would it push to origin/poop?
+ [2015-01-11T23:38:56Z] totesmuhgoats so i take it i should do something like git checkout -b myBranchName -t upstream/poop
+ [2015-01-11T23:36:56Z] totesmuhgoats especially when the stuff they are working on is on the line
+ [2015-01-11T23:36:42Z] totesmuhgoats besides, people shouldn't blindly execute commands they see on irc without looking at the man page to understand what they're doing
+ [2015-01-11T23:36:10Z] totesmuhgoats it's alright, we all have our off days, and you were only clumsy at the very end
+ [2015-01-11T23:33:55Z] totesmuhgoats thanks, i always consult the man page anyway
+ [2015-01-11T23:32:20Z] totesmuhgoats well, thanks even more than for volunteering your time
+ [2015-01-11T23:32:02Z] totesmuhgoats do you work for github? or are you just a user?
+ [2015-01-11T23:31:10Z] totesmuhgoats okay, the second one seems to be what i'm looking for
+ [2015-01-11T23:30:10Z] totesmuhgoats so what would the approach be for getting these "older" branches
+ [2015-01-11T23:29:47Z] totesmuhgoats i am actually really new to git and to this project, so i'm not sure, but i think they still receive updates for stability