latest 20 messages by towski

+ [2014-12-06T20:56:24Z] towski </spam>
+ [2014-12-06T20:56:15Z] towski any of you tech inclined gents or ladies have invites for oneplus
+ [2014-10-19T07:18:54Z] towski so maybe it's just a copy paste thing
+ [2014-10-19T07:18:45Z] towski actually so if I clone the gist, the tabs are fine
+ [2014-10-19T07:17:20Z] towski yeah I should try with a command line script
+ [2014-10-19T07:15:51Z] towski if I just push the Makefile with the ruby gem gist, I get the same problem
+ [2014-10-19T07:13:37Z] towski cool yeah let me try pushing it
+ [2014-10-19T03:40:03Z] towski i would lol if it's a 1 line fix
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:52Z] towski also I wish make would fix that
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:09Z] towski I guess it keeps people from using make
+ [2014-10-19T03:39:02Z] towski well I mean, it's an edge case, but who wants to manually tab a makefile they download
+ [2014-10-18T22:26:19Z] towski
+ [2014-10-18T22:26:13Z] towski gist makefiles don't seem to preserve the tabs that makefiles need
+ [2014-09-11T05:51:53Z] towski duh meta charset
+ [2014-09-11T05:49:28Z] towski grrr still broken
+ [2014-09-11T05:45:53Z] towski oh it's supposed to be {{ content }}
+ [2014-09-11T05:43:57Z] towski guess I need some css
+ [2014-09-11T05:43:52Z] towski oh it's generating those weird �'s
+ [2014-09-11T05:42:10Z] towski it's obviously an escaping issue, but it works fine on my post html page
+ [2014-09-11T05:40:17Z] towski I'm just doing {% assign post = site.posts.first %} and {{ post.content }}