latest 20 messages by trebmuh

+ [2017-05-09T15:06:50Z] trebmuh thanks to the github's workers
+ [2017-05-09T15:06:39Z] trebmuh yep, all working as expected now, awesome
+ [2017-05-08T21:54:22Z] trebmuh s/ans/and
+ [2017-05-08T21:54:16Z] trebmuh jemc, same for me here on Debian Jessie ans firefox 45.9.0
+ [2017-05-08T20:18:34Z] trebmuh any place to report such a thing ?
+ [2017-05-08T20:18:26Z] trebmuh then, the suspection is going towards an update of the github web interface code byt the github team
+ [2017-05-08T19:56:53Z] trebmuh good to know
+ [2017-05-08T19:55:03Z] trebmuh (Insti, I'm running a debian jessie as well)
+ [2017-05-08T19:54:48Z] trebmuh I wonder it the last point release which happened yesterday/today didn't bring up those issue
+ [2017-05-08T19:49:40Z] trebmuh Insti, ^
+ [2017-05-08T19:45:25Z] trebmuh jessie ?
+ [2017-05-08T19:44:21Z] trebmuh Insti, are you running debian maybe?
+ [2017-05-08T19:41:55Z] trebmuh I'm using the github web interface pretty much everyday and I didn't see those issues before today
+ [2017-05-08T19:41:30Z] trebmuh hmm, those issues looks to be quite new to me
+ [2017-05-08T19:37:52Z] trebmuh is that linked to this specific version of firefox ?
+ [2017-05-08T19:37:23Z] trebmuh Insti, yes, I've goot issues here
+ [2017-05-08T17:10:23Z] trebmuh e.g.: I can't logout anymore
+ [2017-05-08T17:08:58Z] trebmuh which can't be displayed
+ [2017-05-08T17:08:46Z] trebmuh such as the menu under "View profile and more"
+ [2017-05-08T17:08:15Z] trebmuh is it just me or some fonctionnalities aren't working on the web interface?