latest 6 messages by treehug8_

+ [2014-11-17T23:15:12Z] treehug8_ very helpful, thanks Remram
+ [2014-11-17T23:12:25Z] treehug8_ Remram: interesting, is that documented somewhere?
+ [2014-11-17T23:06:01Z] treehug8_ I mean will A be closed too? People here say they're seeing that behavior
+ [2014-11-17T23:05:41Z] treehug8_ github question. If I mention one PR (let's call it A) in the comments of another PR (B), and then I close B, is A expected to be closed too?
+ [2014-11-05T19:02:21Z] treehug8_ I thikn you can search by file extension, which is basically 'by language'
+ [2014-11-05T19:00:30Z] treehug8_ search for a keyword only python3 supports in files ending with .py? Not a great help but there it is