latest 13 messages by trestletech

+ [2015-06-16T04:07:56Z] trestletech Just tried it out and it's working great.
+ [2015-06-16T04:07:47Z] trestletech I never would have caught that.
+ [2015-06-16T04:07:45Z] trestletech pontiki: Nice! Thank you so much.
+ [2015-06-16T03:53:59Z] trestletech Yup. And in case it wasn't clear -- don't presume that I didn't do something obviously dumb. This is my first soiree into jekyll.
+ [2015-06-16T03:51:06Z] trestletech Sure thing. Were you able to reproduce the issue?
+ [2015-06-16T03:44:49Z] trestletech Here's a non-sanitized diff:
+ [2015-06-16T03:44:23Z] trestletech And FYI - the gh-pages branch works great (also includes rendering md)
+ [2015-06-16T03:44:11Z] trestletech
+ [2015-06-16T03:42:30Z] trestletech (Thanks for your time)
+ [2015-06-16T03:42:27Z] trestletech Certainly. Let me get a branch pushed.
+ [2015-06-16T03:40:12Z] trestletech Yes, layout, title, and permalink.
+ [2015-06-16T03:39:44Z] trestletech That was the hope, yes.
+ [2015-06-16T03:34:03Z] trestletech Hi. Can anybody help me figure out why my files at `somedir/` are being served with Content-type "application/octet-stream" when I visit `http://localhost:4000/somedir/test` ?