latest 16 messages by tuananh

+ [2014-09-06T02:10:24Z] tuananh is there any jekyll filter to allow me do sth like this {% include css/main.css | minify %} ?
+ [2014-08-09T10:44:44Z] tuananh anyone wrote a paginated post (split posts into multiple pages)?
+ [2014-08-03T04:55:45Z] tuananh execjs required it. we should do dependency check recursively all
+ [2014-08-03T03:53:38Z] tuananh i would like to do some regex and replace on posts' content. Example like replace Wordpress with WordPress. what kind of plugin is best suitable for this ?
+ [2014-08-02T22:37:45Z] tuananh really appreciate your help
+ [2014-08-02T22:37:37Z] tuananh Ctrl F "contains" :D
+ [2014-08-02T22:37:30Z] tuananh first result on Google
+ [2014-08-02T22:37:25Z] tuananh thanks it works now :D
+ [2014-08-02T22:34:44Z] tuananh how would i check it then ?
+ [2014-08-02T22:34:33Z] tuananh but page.url.to_s.include ? year return false
+ [2014-08-02T22:34:15Z] tuananh page.url is like -> /2014/
+ [2014-08-02T22:34:04Z] tuananh {% if page.url.to_s.include ? year %}
+ [2014-08-02T22:33:54Z] tuananh {% capture year %}{{ | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
+ [2014-08-02T22:33:46Z] tuananh i have a problem with jekyll; check if the url match sth
+ [2014-08-02T22:32:55Z] tuananh anyone here ?