latest 20 messages by tuskkk

+ [2014-01-12T16:59:42Z] tuskkk omg
+ [2014-01-12T16:58:30Z] tuskkk to the right place ofc
+ [2014-01-12T16:58:09Z] tuskkk yes
+ [2014-01-12T16:58:05Z] tuskkk then how to add it to the tree?
+ [2014-01-12T16:57:49Z] tuskkk no
+ [2014-01-12T16:57:23Z] tuskkk I think the problem is new post saved with .md on Sublime Text doesn't work
+ [2014-01-12T16:56:47Z] tuskkk that file isn't there..
+ [2014-01-12T16:55:13Z] tuskkk nothing to commit, working directory clean
+ [2014-01-12T16:51:31Z] tuskkk even after git add ., it says nothing to commit
+ [2014-01-12T13:43:59Z] tuskkk why doesn't git commit -a add all posts?
+ [2014-01-12T06:06:28Z] tuskkk its best to stick to jekyll docs and do stuff mentioned there....
+ [2014-01-12T05:53:47Z] tuskkk that was totally stupid of me.
+ [2014-01-11T18:36:54Z] tuskkk I thought it would run
+ [2014-01-11T18:36:04Z] tuskkk yeah I added the jekyll config file to this file...
+ [2014-01-11T18:35:45Z] tuskkk and I am keeping 2 builds anyway, my main jekyll site is safe
+ [2014-01-11T18:34:59Z] tuskkk but turns out a pain in the ass
+ [2014-01-11T18:34:50Z] tuskkk I thought it would be fun to try it
+ [2014-01-11T18:34:23Z] tuskkk
+ [2014-01-11T18:33:46Z] tuskkk I don't need it, they will send me free tshirt if I deploy my app through them
+ [2014-01-11T18:31:20Z] tuskkk not really