latest 20 messages by tuskkk___

+ [2016-10-04T07:48:45Z] tuskkk___ What is this for? And how do I pull it?
+ [2015-11-05T06:16:24Z] tuskkk___ please correct me if I am wrong there. Now the confusion is, how are they valid for the same branch?
+ [2015-11-05T06:15:59Z] tuskkk___ For different branches (from what I understood) - merge creates a single commit and merges everything while rebase preserves each commit history.
+ [2015-11-05T06:15:14Z] tuskkk___ Hello, clients like smartgit have an option to merge or rebase when taking a pull on the same branch. What is the difference between the two?
+ [2015-06-29T05:08:19Z] tuskkk___ just revert the revert, history needs to be there
+ [2015-06-29T05:05:54Z] tuskkk___ If someone reverted my commits, but I haven't taken a pull yet, how do I recommit my old commits again?
+ [2015-06-13T17:46:30Z] tuskkk___ No, cloning a new folder will then create a new virtual machine, so will have to rule that off.
+ [2015-06-13T17:42:00Z] tuskkk___ but anyway, doing a new clone seems cleaner thing to do, thanks!
+ [2015-06-13T17:41:35Z] tuskkk___ but what if we stage the files here and then merge on git pull, will that solve the issue?
+ [2015-06-13T16:58:41Z] tuskkk___ what does it mean and what does it want me to do?
+ [2015-06-13T16:58:04Z] tuskkk___ I had downloaded this repo as zip, , now I did a git init there and set origin, but on doing a git pull origin master, I get error: Untracked working tree file '' would be overwritten by merge.
+ [2015-03-27T12:48:20Z] tuskkk___ its coming from China, source -
+ [2015-03-27T07:26:04Z] tuskkk___ really liked how the color changed on refresh, subtle!
+ [2015-03-27T07:24:34Z] tuskkk___ why dont they just block all connections from that iprange from which the attack is coming? or its not that simple?
+ [2015-03-27T07:22:59Z] tuskkk___ doh, silly me, got it
+ [2015-03-27T07:22:14Z] tuskkk___ how do you guys know github is being ddosed?
+ [2015-03-27T07:21:32Z] tuskkk___ Seveas: oh ok, I tried doing https again but added my username before the url, it worked for now. Thanks
+ [2015-03-27T06:45:28Z] tuskkk___ why did https fail all of a sudden and why isnt ssh working?
+ [2015-03-27T06:45:03Z] tuskkk___ looked it up, changed https to ssh, now getting, fatal: Could not read from remote repository.