latest 5 messages by tweakdeveloper

+ [2015-04-06T23:02:05Z] tweakdeveloper VxJasonxV: thanks. My build just started passing. :)
+ [2015-04-06T22:58:28Z] tweakdeveloper I'm only asking because I'm trying to get into GitHub Releases with Travis, and the tag requirement seems a bit complicated.
+ [2015-04-06T22:56:54Z] tweakdeveloper So basically the difference is that commits are for code and tags are for binary releases?
+ [2015-04-06T22:55:50Z] tweakdeveloper What's the significance of "pointing to" something?
+ [2015-04-06T22:54:11Z] tweakdeveloper Can someone explain to me really simply what the difference between a commit and a tag is? It seems like since you generally shouldn't be committing broken code anyway, the tag is relatively useless.