latest 20 messages by tx

+ [2016-11-20T15:06:35Z] tx otherwise dunnolol
+ [2016-11-20T15:06:32Z] tx one for each one
+ [2016-11-20T15:06:15Z] tx hmm
+ [2016-11-20T15:06:02Z] tx :C
+ [2016-11-20T14:52:45Z] tx so you can ignore ./???????[however many ?s you need]
+ [2016-11-20T14:52:32Z] tx (or number)
+ [2016-11-20T14:52:27Z] tx using ? will match any letter
+ [2016-11-20T14:52:12Z] tx RxMcDonald: well
+ [2016-11-20T14:50:45Z] tx is the hex completely random?
+ [2016-11-20T14:50:15Z] tx RxMcDonald: are they all in one spot?
+ [2016-11-20T14:49:23Z] tx well you could match on length but that would break anything else with the same length :)
+ [2016-11-20T14:49:10Z] tx hmm
+ [2016-11-20T14:48:37Z] tx fixed length?
+ [2016-11-15T14:58:27Z] tx because git != github
+ [2016-11-15T14:53:01Z] tx Indeed. :) You could also write your own post commit hook locally
+ [2016-11-15T14:52:11Z] tx Yeah I know, was just thinking of ways it could be done.
+ [2016-11-15T14:51:22Z] tx if you have a terminal that supports link clicking, just click and PR away.
+ [2016-11-15T14:51:10Z] tx gitlab gets around this by sending a link in the push result message
+ [2016-11-15T14:50:16Z] tx That's a shame.
+ [2016-11-15T14:50:11Z] tx :(