latest 19 messages by ugly_cat

+ [2016-07-16T04:38:39Z] ugly_cat How come I can't capture something in _posts and then plop that into something in _layout?
+ [2016-07-08T05:38:51Z] ugly_cat I know, that's what I'm using as my attribute name.
+ [2016-07-08T05:37:46Z] ugly_cat I mean posts.attr_name
+ [2016-07-08T05:37:40Z] ugly_cat wouldn't that be site.posts?
+ [2016-07-08T05:37:22Z] ugly_cat *{% for posts in site.posts %}
+ [2016-07-08T05:36:49Z] ugly_cat Once I get the capture set up, how do I access it? I'm doing a for loop, for {% posts in site.posts %} {{ posts.attr_name }}, but it's not printing anything..
+ [2016-07-08T05:18:01Z] ugly_cat Isn't there like a {{ begin section x }} some content {{ end section x }} ?
+ [2016-07-08T05:17:19Z] ugly_cat I know there is a way to separate specific parts of the file, so I can grab them into the template
+ [2016-07-08T05:16:58Z] ugly_cat I don't want to do that
+ [2016-07-08T05:15:36Z] ugly_cat I'm trying to figure out how to separtate one of my markdown files in the _posts folder into separate sections. In my template for the post, I want to stick one section into a div and another section into another div.
+ [2015-09-08T17:43:57Z] ugly_cat Opinions?
+ [2015-09-08T17:43:50Z] ugly_cat Have you heard of Hyde?
+ [2015-09-08T17:35:03Z] ugly_cat Should I be using Jekyll if I don't know Ruby?
+ [2015-09-07T19:16:33Z] ugly_cat So, instead of having all _posts appear in the base url, I want some to show up on a different page. Like programming posts in the programming sectiona and blog posts in the blog post section. Is there a front matter that can specify something like this
+ [2015-09-07T19:07:34Z] ugly_cat Is there some sort of thing I define in the _layouts directory to tell the template to appear at a differen turl?
+ [2015-09-07T19:06:44Z] ugly_cat Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out how to get posts to appear on a different page.