latest 14 messages by uname-a

+ [2015-02-22T06:14:09Z] uname-a git repos for that purpose are a little niche :P
+ [2015-02-22T06:13:44Z] uname-a ah, nice
+ [2015-02-22T06:12:54Z] uname-a is that the cloest thing to github?
+ [2015-02-22T06:12:15Z] uname-a they're SFW things, so I'm guessing a repo with the word niggers(entirely used by black comedians) probably would get nuked, maybe
+ [2015-02-22T06:11:25Z] uname-a and come to mind
+ [2015-02-22T06:04:57Z] uname-a even though it’s lines from professional comedians, some stuff is properly offensive
+ [2015-02-22T06:03:59Z] uname-a hmm that’s unfortunate, there’s at least two “SJW” admins at github which means my comedy repo may be safer elsewhere
+ [2015-02-22T06:02:33Z] uname-a start low and simple, if you start high you'll ever be as skilled a dev
+ [2015-02-22T06:02:06Z] uname-a ANSI C + OpenGL = vidya game
+ [2015-02-22T05:54:26Z] uname-a it's funny how dolphin is one of the most advanced FOSS projects outside of kernels
+ [2015-02-22T05:19:17Z] uname-a email legal, or admins?
+ [2015-02-22T05:18:37Z] uname-a I read the TOS, it doesn't object, so I'm worried a rogue admin would just nuke me too, taking advantage of "we have the right to remove anything"
+ [2015-02-22T05:13:34Z] uname-a so does github allow them or not
+ [2015-02-22T05:13:13Z] uname-a I don’t get it, github allows other comedic repos but as soon as tumblrites see a joke they don’t like... deleted