latest 14 messages by user216_

+ [2020-04-21T22:14:27Z] user216_ nedbat: anyway , look like that in this case I need to make some copy-paste-like instruction and put it in to github
+ [2020-04-21T22:11:34Z] user216_ nedbat: own repos - you mean local git-tracking directories?
+ [2020-04-21T22:05:56Z] user216_ and also have some task to write githooks for whole team .b ut have no idea how to put it in github
+ [2020-04-21T22:05:00Z] user216_ nedbat: just have some dispute about this :)
+ [2020-04-21T22:00:25Z] user216_ nedbat: so may be folder branches is differ, but what about folder 'hooks' - is the same all time when you make git clone ?
+ [2020-04-21T21:57:49Z] user216_ nedbat: and it everytime the same?
+ [2020-04-21T21:56:41Z] user216_
+ [2020-04-21T21:56:19Z] user216_
+ [2020-04-21T21:56:17Z] user216_ nedbat: so why there is a lot of question on stackoveflow about this?
+ [2020-04-21T21:54:32Z] user216_ nedbat: ok. But when I make git clone, did I download any .git directory from github, for example ?
+ [2020-04-21T21:17:10Z] user216_ and said that everything is up to dated
+ [2020-04-21T21:16:15Z] user216_ but git status dont see this changes?
+ [2020-04-21T21:16:00Z] user216_ hello. Quick question: why when I change in my .git folder pre-commit.sample -> pre-commit