latest 20 messages by usrnix

+ [2014-01-17T01:30:40Z] usrnix Hi, anyone know how to set the category_archive path in _config.yml? I can't figure out what it means in the readme: :<
+ [2013-12-13T21:09:24Z] usrnix Jekyll's truncate seems to have a bug, at least with the <pre> tag it might truncate before the closing tag and leave it open, busting the rest of the site :S
+ [2013-12-08T20:51:54Z] usrnix OWNSyouAll: Yea thanks, turned out to be Category/Monthly Archiver plugins
+ [2013-12-08T18:26:15Z] usrnix Hi, I updated to the lastest jekyll gem version, my site won't load now, "error: can't convert nil into String." and the useless trace just shows module rubbish.. any ideas on this?
+ [2013-11-28T00:13:46Z] usrnix Hi, anyway for me to link to a page for each item in a list in liquid? I've tried a for loop a few times and it's not worked, I have a list of categories a post is in and want to link the those categorys list pages for each
+ [2013-11-18T13:03:25Z] usrnix Hi, any ideas why this isn't showing anything?: {% if contains: "00:00:00" %} {% else %} at {{ | date: "%H:%M" }} {% endif %}
+ [2013-11-17T15:34:23Z] usrnix Hi, can I include HTML in a textile file?
+ [2013-11-15T22:02:00Z] usrnix Hi, is there a way to loop through my categories?: {% for category in page.categories %} {{page.category}} doesn't seem to work xS
+ [2013-11-15T21:36:43Z] usrnix lol did it in the ruby itself, that works.
+ [2013-11-15T21:34:41Z] usrnix can't get it to work :\
+ [2013-11-15T21:30:50Z] usrnix what does this mean under 'parameter configuration'?
+ [2013-11-15T21:26:30Z] usrnix I know it's too 'magical' but it'd be awesome if jekyll could generate a skeleton website/weblog, i.e. so people like me are less likely to bork their layout/includes setup :P
+ [2013-11-15T21:24:40Z] usrnix Well, will figure that out later... Anyone know how to configure the category archive plugin? I can't figure out what it means on it's readme, "category_archive.path: "?
+ [2013-11-15T21:24:05Z] usrnix Really? if I look at an individual post with post. instead of page. then it fails saying no variable under post.title and such
+ [2013-11-15T21:17:44Z] usrnix is it just me or is it needed to have one include for an article listed via paginator and one for as a single article as one needs page. and one needs post.
+ [2013-11-13T17:28:33Z] usrnix that is... horrible :D
+ [2013-11-13T17:28:27Z] usrnix appears to be the case, renamed my experiment to index.html and it worked
+ [2013-11-13T17:25:31Z] usrnix Can I only use paginator on one page in my entire site or something? I'm pretty sure these two pages I have, which are in the same directory, where one works and one doesn't, are identical
+ [2013-11-13T17:22:52Z] usrnix Jekyll hates me :D
+ [2013-11-12T21:52:29Z] usrnix too manual