latest 8 messages by vicfred

+ [2019-09-30T19:22:51Z] vicfred I only use github as hosting but if I participated in open source and people couldn't see my comments or something like that...
+ [2019-09-30T19:21:27Z] vicfred I dont feel I did anything bad and my account is flagged, it doesnt affect me but I can easily see how it could affect some people very seriously
+ [2019-09-30T19:20:27Z] vicfred is this flag thing new? was it there before microsoft bought github?
+ [2019-09-30T19:19:14Z] vicfred tang^, if the private repository is only a mirror from a repo then it's not big deal right?
+ [2019-09-30T19:17:44Z] vicfred I can commit and clone my repos
+ [2019-09-30T19:17:24Z] vicfred akemhp, yeah the accounts is working fine, they just limited the account visibility, so people cant see my profile, etc
+ [2019-09-30T19:15:45Z] vicfred akemhp, same, I think it was because I forked lots of repos, didnt know it was a bad thing
+ [2019-09-30T19:13:54Z] vicfred What are the benefits of github pro and what's exactly a "collaborator"? I am already looking at the pricing page