latest 20 messages by viv

+ [2015-08-19T23:39:24Z] viv hi
+ [2015-08-19T00:13:41Z] viv what do you guys use?
+ [2015-08-19T00:13:32Z] viv the YAML checker fixed a lot. I think in the future I will switch from nano to something that is able to handle YAML
+ [2015-08-19T00:03:34Z] viv alright. at this point i am just running it through the YAML checker to make sure that it doesn't have any more errors.
+ [2015-08-19T00:02:18Z] viv alright. that must be part of the issue then.
+ [2015-08-18T23:59:31Z] viv i was just saying that i didn't remember it being there, when in reality i just wasn't pasting it into pastebin every single time
+ [2015-08-18T23:59:12Z] viv i thought that maybe i changed it, but i realized I didn't.
+ [2015-08-18T23:59:05Z] viv I didn't change that part of the file, i meant.
+ [2015-08-18T23:58:36Z] viv ok i got it
+ [2015-08-18T23:57:49Z] viv yup
+ [2015-08-18T23:57:44Z] viv i didnt remember adding/changing it
+ [2015-08-18T23:57:40Z] viv no i didnt
+ [2015-08-18T23:56:42Z] viv do you think it might have to do with the ---layout: none--- at the top? i don't remember why/when i added that or if it was required
+ [2015-08-18T23:55:28Z] viv yes. i did.
+ [2015-08-18T23:55:03Z] viv i'll check if there is something for nano that does that
+ [2015-08-18T23:54:57Z] viv i am currently using nano
+ [2015-08-18T23:54:50Z] viv ggreer, same error.
+ [2015-08-18T23:53:54Z] viv oh wow
+ [2015-08-18T23:52:04Z] viv _config.yml, at that point, was exactly the same besides the "picture:" part
+ [2015-08-18T23:51:45Z] viv not before i installed jekyll-picture-tag.