latest 12 messages by vmonteco

+ [2016-04-19T14:16:35Z] vmonteco jhass: Well now it works. :) I've been stuck here for long, so thank you very much, your advice helped a log.
+ [2016-04-19T14:15:12Z] vmonteco jhass: Yes, I even use it too. But there already was the Hostname too.
+ [2016-04-19T14:13:35Z] vmonteco jhass: That's it! I already tried to do this but with I assume that it wasn't the right way to do it?
+ [2016-04-19T14:01:53Z] vmonteco (or that's more like it doesn't help)
+ [2016-04-19T14:00:36Z] vmonteco (the part of the doc from github about ssh-add is empty)
+ [2016-04-19T14:00:14Z] vmonteco I have some troubles with my ssh config. ssh returns the error Permission denied (publickey).. But if I add the -i option with the relevant key it works. How could I avoid having to add the -i option?
+ [2015-10-10T18:33:36Z] vmonteco (I know I can use the ~/.ssh/config file though, but I wondered if the tutorial was complete)
+ [2015-10-10T18:30:36Z] vmonteco I have a little question about ssh access : If I want to enter the ssh -T I get an access denied, unless I've done a sh -Ti ~/.ssh/github before. Why? Nothing in the tutorial tells about using the -i option, so is that normal if I have to?
+ [2015-07-28T02:51:56Z] vmonteco Hello all!