latest 9 messages by vramana

+ [2014-09-11T11:25:43Z] vramana Got it. Had to add {{ site.baseurl }} in a bunch of places.
+ [2014-09-11T11:07:23Z] vramana tigefa: I thought CNAME is for custom domains.
+ [2014-09-11T11:04:28Z] vramana I dont want to create I want to create
+ [2014-09-11T11:03:55Z] vramana tigefa: I read that. All my files are under gh-pages branch.
+ [2014-09-11T10:59:49Z] vramana Even the posts url are wrong.
+ [2014-09-11T10:45:20Z] vramana I think the problem may be with this but I don't know how to change to appropriate value..
+ [2014-09-11T10:43:58Z] vramana jbleuzen: Nope It failed :(
+ [2014-09-11T10:36:21Z] vramana I took already couple of hours of struggling to realize this much. I am still looking for solution myself But probably would prefer somebody helping me out.
+ [2014-09-11T10:32:20Z] vramana I had set up my blog Jekyll at and it is using theme. Currently it is up and running but the Home and About links in the sidebar were pointing at wrong links. I read about changing baseUrl for github projects and so I made corrections in _config.yml and sidebar.html. But I couldn't fix the link of about. Can somebody help me?