latest 12 messages by wallerdev

+ [2015-05-27T23:54:16Z] wallerdev and itll show you commits starting at 2015-2-14
+ [2015-05-27T23:54:06Z] wallerdev commits/develop@%7B2015-2-14%7D
+ [2015-05-27T23:54:02Z] wallerdev in the url bar you can type
+ [2015-05-27T23:53:32Z] wallerdev i figured it out
+ [2015-05-27T23:05:51Z] wallerdev was hoping there was a way to do it on the site
+ [2015-05-27T23:01:38Z] wallerdev is there a way to get commits before a certain date range
+ [2015-05-06T22:55:15Z] wallerdev is there any way to highlight a specific column for a github file online, kind of like L43 for lines