latest 4 messages by web

+ [2015-03-30T23:28:49Z] web nevermind I made a dummy move. wrong repo
+ [2015-03-30T23:15:26Z] web Because when I clone with submodule it doesn't work: git clone --branch gradproject --single-branch gradproject && cd gradproject && git submodule update --init --recursive
+ [2015-03-30T23:15:14Z] web Am i doing something wrong when I add my submodule from branch: git submodule add -b gradproject local && git add . && git commit -m "Added" && git push origin gradproject
+ [2015-03-30T22:49:42Z] web I have a branch that I am cloning but my submodule information isn't. Am I using it incorrectly? git clone --branch gradproject --single-branch gradproject && cd gradproject && git submodule update --init --recursive