latest 8 messages by wepy

+ [2014-07-04T00:45:35Z] wepy wait, mayeb it just works
+ [2014-07-04T00:43:51Z] wepy what's the remote URL for SSH on github?
+ [2014-07-04T00:43:43Z] wepy i'm a little confused: how do i push my branch to a repo i just forked?
+ [2014-07-04T00:24:28Z] wepy so i need to update my tree to the latest upstream, then push.. right?
+ [2014-07-04T00:24:00Z] wepy so fork, then push my changes onto it
+ [2014-07-04T00:23:50Z] wepy ah
+ [2014-07-04T00:20:22Z] wepy if i cloned a github repo on my box, then i pushed it to my own git server... but now i want to put it on my github account as a fork of the original project or something... how would i do that?
+ [2014-07-04T00:19:47Z] wepy hey