latest 3 messages by willvarfar

+ [2020-01-24T07:32:44Z] willvarfar into my dev branch, will my open pull request suddenly be polluted with all the changes that others have made that I've just pulled from the original?
+ [2020-01-24T07:32:08Z] willvarfar I have forked a repo, done some work in a branch, and now have a pull request submitted to the original repo. Every time I commit to my dev branch, the pull request automatically updates.The original repo has since made a few changes. If I pull from the original
+ [2014-07-01T07:06:05Z] willvarfar can jekyll process a single file - passed from stdin - and write it to stdout? I've got a simple live editor going, but it pains me that it recreates the whole site each keystroke