latest 7 messages by wpbro

+ [2017-03-04T22:31:54Z] wpbro ok
+ [2017-03-04T22:25:02Z] wpbro nedbat: ok, but if someone resets git hard + that cleaner flag, the directories/extra repos would be wiped, right?
+ [2017-03-04T22:20:07Z] wpbro (to move the folders outside into their own repos)
+ [2017-03-04T22:19:57Z] wpbro I use windows and symlinking is quite hard
+ [2017-03-04T22:19:52Z] wpbro is it a good idea just leaving them there?
+ [2017-03-04T22:19:46Z] wpbro locally I got some extra folders (that are gitignored) in my repo
+ [2017-03-04T22:19:38Z] wpbro hi