latest 6 messages by wvoq

+ [2014-07-26T08:01:35Z] wvoq problem in chair, &c.
+ [2014-07-26T08:01:23Z] wvoq nevermind, sorry
+ [2014-07-26T07:48:53Z] wvoq whose responsibility is that-- octopress's or jekyll's or some sub-minion's, and would anyone have any advice about how to track this down?
+ [2014-07-26T07:47:46Z] wvoq i.e. [here's a link]( renders as "[here's a link](" verbatim rather than a hyperlinked "here's a link"
+ [2014-07-26T07:47:04Z] wvoq if markdown links aren't getting rendered correctly
+ [2014-07-26T07:46:56Z] wvoq hello all, probably a stupid question but google didn't know: