latest 20 messages by wykydtron

+ [2015-01-30T20:41:47Z] wykydtron I deleted a few directories from a few directories (I can't remember there names) how do I remove them from the repository if I've forgotten them?
+ [2015-01-20T10:49:43Z] wykydtron horray jaybe !
+ [2015-01-06T20:46:35Z] wykydtron
+ [2015-01-05T22:45:56Z] wykydtron OCTOKITTENS EVERYWHERE!
+ [2015-01-05T22:45:18Z] wykydtron i imagine octocat on an adventure through the depths of the ocean, playing with #! in water temples, battling it out against cthulhu
+ [2015-01-05T22:44:04Z] wykydtron octocat music:
+ [2014-12-31T17:54:35Z] wykydtron
+ [2014-12-30T22:04:39Z] wykydtron or maybe because i forked octopress i'm not listed as a contributor unless i fill out a pull request? Say for instance if I start helping with a octopress theme?
+ [2014-12-30T22:03:48Z] wykydtron usually when i made modifications to code base and push to origin, github at least lists me as a contributor
+ [2014-12-30T21:49:12Z] wykydtron in both branches master and source it doesn't recognize
+ [2014-12-30T21:48:45Z] wykydtron anyone know why when I use rake deploy my github account doesn't recognize contributors? it only see's commits
+ [2014-12-30T18:33:37Z] wykydtron if i look at my source branch, it also says 0 contributors :(
+ [2014-12-30T18:33:01Z] wykydtron why does my repo says 0 contributors when im making changes and using rake deploy for my octopress blog?
+ [2014-12-30T00:53:07Z] wykydtron do you have an recent version for git? :D could be a nice topic
+ [2014-12-30T00:52:10Z] wykydtron naw that was only 8 years ago :'(
+ [2014-12-30T00:51:08Z] wykydtron read through it and felt so confused
+ [2014-12-30T00:50:59Z] wykydtron i got a hold of one of the first Version Control with Subversion books a few years ago