latest 17 messages by x0077BE

+ [2015-06-19T16:58:11Z] x0077BE I think maybe I'll restart.
+ [2015-06-19T16:56:48Z] x0077BE Doesn't load anything.
+ [2015-06-19T16:56:44Z] x0077BE Actually, it just opens up Github for Windows.
+ [2015-06-19T16:49:13Z] x0077BE It just opens the master branch of the specified repo.
+ [2015-06-19T16:49:07Z] x0077BE Any ideas?
+ [2015-06-19T16:49:03Z] x0077BE According to this: I should be able to check out a PR using Github for Windows, but when I click the link, it doesn't give me any such option.
+ [2015-04-16T13:03:03Z] x0077BE I watch some that are kinda high-volume, and I like having them in my news feed, but they are crowding out notifications from my own repos.
+ [2015-04-16T13:02:11Z] x0077BE Is there a way to configure it so that you get e-mails and notifications for specific repositories, but not others?
+ [2014-12-24T18:22:06Z] x0077BE I tried loading it and not loading it, but I think Pageant might have the SSH key in memory and just auto-load it or something. Seems to work OK from command line. Thanks tang^
+ [2014-12-24T18:21:34Z] x0077BE Maybe something to do with it loading my SSH key.
+ [2014-12-24T18:21:27Z] x0077BE Hm, seems to be some TortoiseGit issue, actually.
+ [2014-12-24T18:20:45Z] x0077BE Maybe TortoiseGit is hiding some error message.
+ [2014-12-24T18:20:35Z] x0077BE Sec, let me try cloning this directly using git on the command line.
+ [2014-12-24T18:19:49Z] x0077BE Yeah, "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)"
+ [2014-12-24T18:19:15Z] x0077BE Sec. I think it's exit code 128
+ [2014-12-24T18:18:36Z] x0077BE I'm cloning over https.
+ [2014-12-24T18:07:29Z] x0077BE Hey, I have a question - do you need to fork a repo on github before cloning it? For some reason I always get some permission error whenever I try and clone repos that I don't own.