latest 20 messages by xco

+ [2020-05-20T15:11:39Z] xco then my_branch closes on GitHub
+ [2020-05-20T15:11:32Z] xco git rebase staging (while inside my_branch)
+ [2020-05-20T15:11:11Z] xco I did
+ [2020-05-20T15:11:09Z] xco For example
+ [2020-05-20T15:11:07Z] xco Hi. Is there any explanation for why I did a rebase and my branch closes?
+ [2020-05-09T19:09:50Z] xco nedbat thanks :)
+ [2020-05-09T18:44:48Z] xco example this guy :)
+ [2020-05-09T18:44:41Z] xco how do some people have github history all the way to 2000? GitHub was founded in 2008?
+ [2020-04-12T08:15:25Z] xco if interest for picks up i'll develop it
+ [2020-04-12T08:15:10Z] xco looks like more people like the CLI more so that's where i spend most of my time
+ [2020-04-12T08:14:50Z] xco roboirc i'm building a separate one from the CLI here
+ [2020-04-12T07:34:17Z] xco roboirc you're welcome. i'm just bored stayin indoors hence this creation :)
+ [2020-04-12T07:20:05Z] xco sharing a gem/CLI i created to track COVID-19 in your terminal:
+ [2020-03-14T12:23:01Z] xco nedbat thanks a lot
+ [2020-03-14T12:22:58Z] xco ok now i know what it means :D :D :D
+ [2020-03-14T12:22:46Z] xco aaaaaah! :D
+ [2020-03-14T12:22:21Z] xco oh
+ [2020-03-14T12:21:04Z] xco see this guy has it
+ [2020-03-14T12:20:27Z] xco so i was wondering what it means to have it
+ [2020-03-14T12:20:20Z] xco some don't (i don't)