latest 9 messages by xmj

+ [2016-11-17T10:59:28Z] xmj you mean like with SVN?
+ [2016-11-14T10:48:18Z] xmj hm, machine user looks helpful.
+ [2016-11-14T10:40:26Z] xmj how can i re-use a deploy key for multiple repositories?
+ [2016-11-14T10:40:18Z] xmj moin
+ [2015-03-26T09:01:31Z] xmj i'm wondering why this one doesn't extract to lci-v0.11.2 but to lci-0.11.2
+ [2015-03-26T09:01:13Z] xmj
+ [2015-03-26T09:01:12Z] xmj is the tar.gz download method from described somewhere?
+ [2015-03-26T09:00:52Z] xmj morning
+ [2015-03-25T11:09:05Z] xmj mowing