latest 6 messages by xp_prg

+ [2014-12-03T04:37:49Z] xp_prg I don't know :(
+ [2014-12-03T04:37:11Z] xp_prg hmm.... I am just trying to get the basics of my architectures, do I want to use https with ldap with git?
+ [2014-12-03T04:36:21Z] xp_prg it is a standalone install of git
+ [2014-12-03T04:36:12Z] xp_prg I want to set this up on my own server the git repository will not be hosted on github
+ [2014-12-03T04:35:38Z] xp_prg well granting access to who can do what with the git repository
+ [2014-12-03T04:35:24Z] xp_prg wow that is great news